Benefits of Pilates
Pilates has a positive impact on the mind and body. Whole body movement improves physical well-being, develops flexibility, posture and overall strength. Focused breathing encourages mental clarity and is a natural remedy for relieving stress.

Joseph Pilates believed that breathing is the most important part of exercise and that people should learn the art of deep breathing to help not only with the movement of the exercise but with finding focus too.

If you focus and become more mindful of each movement, you will get the most out of each exercise. It improves the connection between your mind and body and gives you a better awareness of your body’s movements.

Joseph Pilates called the core the ‘powerhouse’ of your body. All exercises start from your centre and focus on building your core strength.

Controlling and pacing your movements will allow you to direct every movement with correct form. Proper, safe and complete muscle control is better for getting good results than speed and high intensity.

Performing an exercise with deliberate accuracy is more important than doing lots of repetitions. Focusing on slow & controlled movements to gain precision.

Each movement in Pilates should feel smooth and good for the body. A sense of flow to aid the simultaneous movement.