Mat Pilates to help support your mental and physical wellness.

Now more than ever we are needing to look after our own mind and body, and I believe the Hygeia Wellbeing Programme can help you fulfil this. Individual drop in classses start from £15, or you can purchase one of our class packs starting from just £40.

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Beginners Pilates

In Beginners Pilates you will be introduced to the basic Pilates Principles; core stability, breathing, control, alignment and precision of movement. It doesn't matter your experience; the beginner's class is a lovely introduction to Pilates. This is a safe space for you to let go of any insecurities and for you to feel relaxed. You will leave feeling energised and with a positive mindset.

Once you start Pilates; it's hard to stop.

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Hygeia Pilates Flow

The Hygeia Pilates Flow is suitable for all. The class will focus on the Pilates Principles; core stability, breathing, control, alignment, precision of movement and flexibility. The class will have a sense of flow to help with ease of movement, it will be your weekly check in for you and your body. You will walk away feeling energised and with a deeper understanding of your body.

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Hygeia Power Pilates

Power Pilates is a little more dynamic. A strong focus on your core strength and glutes whilst working through the Pilates Principles. Power Pilates is more demanding than the Pilates Flow, so it is advised if you are new to Pilates to start with the Flow / Beginners and work your way up to Power. An introduction to Classical Pilates will be involved in this class too. If you like a challenge, this class is perfect for you.

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Pregnancy Pilates

Welcome to the Hygeia Pregnancy Pilates Programme. A class designed to guide you through your pregnancy and prepare the mind and body from 16 weeks through to birth.

As a Pilates instructor I have the privilege to work closely with pregnant women to help avoid aches and pains associated with pregnancy and prepare her for labour and delivery and for the demands of looking after a baby. The programme will allow you to experience, feel and embrace the changes of your body.

The programme is a block of four classes that gives you the option to continue throughout your pregnancy. Each week we will check in to see how YOU are feeling and to see how your BODY is feeling.

A personal journal will be provided so you can take time at the end of the session to write down your feelings and keep a diary throughout your pregnancy.

The programme is deigned in a block of four so each week we will be working on a different part of our body whether that it is opening through upper body, strengthening through lower body or focusing on breath work.

The Hygeia Pregnancy Pilates Programme will provide a safe, supportive environment for Mothers to be.

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Find a class matched to your experience

Hygeia Pilates and Wellness studio offer classes to suit all levels of experience. Find out what class would best suit you below.

Amber Hockridge Amber Hockridge


Pilates Flow

Thursday, 13 Mar at 18:15 (60 minutes)

Amber Hockridge Amber Hockridge


Power Pilates

Friday, 14 Mar at 07:00 (60 minutes)

Amber Hockridge Amber Hockridge


Pilates Flow

Friday, 14 Mar at 09:15 (60 minutes)